Mohammad M. Ghassemi

projects, professional activities, Google scholar, CV, LinkedIn

I build technologies that improve human health and quality of life including: an on-line platform to connect people, some of the world's largest open source medical databases, and a wearable AI for social coaching. For a comprehensive list of my activities see my CV. For scholarly collaborations and consulting inquiries please contact me. If you are a student that is interesting in Joining my lab,apply here.

Latest News

NIH Data Scholar : January 1st, 2021
In 2021, I will lead a team that spans 10 NIH institutes to Expand Theories of Brain Circuits Using Knowledge Integration.

Older News: See my CV

Technical Interests


Our lab develops end-to-end systems (e.g. Connect) that use artifical intelligence to solve pressing health and behavior challenges. We also collect, manage, and study several of the World's Largest Datasets. sets.

Application Interests


I am interested in using technology to predict adverse health and behavioral outcomes before they happen. I'm also interested in understanding how social networks and institutions can be leveraged to prevent negative outcomes, once they are detected.


It is said that a great treasure lies at the roof of the mount, one with trials and tests, that few can surmount. And to add to this task you are faced with a storm, with droplets of water attacking in swarm. And out the glass window you look and you ponder, the value of treasures on the mountain off yonder. Do not disdain a walk in the rain, for in the unknown you have much to gain. Embrace the unknown and reflect on the mystery, as years of your life, retreat into history. Feel the wet stones beneath your feet, as you fight off the cold with passion's heat. And continue your climb, ever on higher, for if you fear not, then you shall you tire. In the heart if the storm you will think yourself lost, but fear - for discovery - is such a small cost! And above the storm cloud, you will climb to the top, and perhaps you find that the treasure you sought, was the journey itself, and all that it taught.

I bake bread from four simple ingredients (flour, salt, water, yeast) and marvel at the incredible variety of tastes and textures that are produced. I write poetry to help me remember important experiences I've had. I also enjoy ceremics, which helps me see beauty in imperfection.

Copyright, Mohammad M. Ghassemi, 2019